Don’t Delay is a psychology-related blog written by Timothy A. Pychyl that focuses on procrastination. Many students have fallen victim to this timely temptation, leaving their work until the very last minute, before scrambling to finish assignments on time. In college, procrastination is the way of life for many students. Schoolwork is just not as engaging as other activities. Dr. Pychyl updates his audience with the most current research and developments in the procrastination area. One of his more interesting posts details the new iPhone Procrastination Killer application. Dr. Pychyl considers this App to be more of gimmick than anything else. However, on the more serious side, the blog includes research from the most current ideas in psychology like affective forecasting, self-affirmation, and proactive coping. Complex journal articles are broken down into easy-to-grasp concepts and applied to increase awareness to about the psychological workings behind procrastination. Each of the posts dealing with research includes APA style citations for all the articles mentioned. So if a student wanted to write a paper on procrastination this blog would be the perfect source for references. One could spend hours exploring all the different posts about procrastination. Someday, perhaps the day before the final portfolio is due, I will be sure to spend my procrastination time wisely and educate myself about all how exactly humans are able to waste so much time.